OFW discount offers
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Why buy through the OFW Offers Program
How to access the OFW Offers Program
Frequently asked questions
Who is eligible to access the Samsung OFW Offers Program?Current or newly accepted Overseas Filipino Workers who have a valid OFW ID issued by OWWA.
Is there a limit to how many products I can buy?The Samsung OFW Offers Program has been designed to enable eligible Overseas Filipino Workers to purchase Samsung products for individual use (and not for business or resale purposes). Therefore, there is a limit of 5 products per product category per calendar year. Product categories are shown by clicking on ‘My Quota’ in the Samsung OFW Offers Program.
When does my product category limit reset?The product category limit automatically resets on 1st January of each year.
Can I have my purchases delivered to an overseas address?No, delivery must be within Philippines. Please ensure all delivery details are correct.
Can I transfer the discount on the Samsung OFW Offers Program to someone else?No, the discounted prices available on the Samsung OFW Offers Program are for the sole benefit of the eligible Overseas Filipino Workers who has eligible OFW ID to access the Samsung OFW Offers Program. The discounts cannot be transferred to others.
If the item I want is not in stock, when will it become available again?Despite our best efforts to keep up with consumer demand, some products may not be available from time to time, however, you can register your email address to get a “stock alert” when the item is back in stock.